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About Us

Welcome to Blissfully Herbed, where we are dedicated to providing high-quality, natural home fragrance products. As a woman-owned small business, we take pride in our commitment to sustainability and eco-friendly practices. Our mission is to offer luxurious, natural home fragrance products that you can feel good about using in your space.

Our Commitment to Sustainability

At Blissfully Herbed, we understand the importance of preserving our environment. That's why we are committed to using natural ingredients and eco-friendly practices to create our handcrafted Wax Beads and Squeezable Wax. We believe that you can enjoy beautifully fragranced spaces without harming the planet.

Our Products

Our bestsellers include our Lavender Wax Beads, which are carefully crafted to bring the calming and soothing scent of lavender into your home. We take pride in offering a range of natural home fragrance products that elevate your space while being kind to the environment.

What Sets Us Apart

What sets us apart from other home fragrance product companies is our unwavering focus on using natural ingredients and our dedication to eco-friendly practices. We believe in transparency, quality, and a genuine love for what we do.

Experience the Blissful Difference

Explore our natural home fragrance products and bring the essence of nature into your space.